Das Weltkulturerbe
The World-Cultural-Heritage
Ursula Sabisch, Meesenring 4, 23566 Luebeck, Germany
Deutschsprachige Schreiben siehe unten.
Germany, Luebeck, 21st of August, 2011/ Dec. 2016
Dear Sir or Madam,
In the matter and commission I would like to contact and inform you as my aim addressees or SAT – Stations once more about my Homepages in this way, which contain enough information to have been informed and oriented correspondingly and to be able to become active yourselves.
These writings should also be handed over to the important multimedia information centres and Publisher, so that for the social classes, which cannot use the Internet or cannot read, too, the possibility is existing being directly and quickly informed, for example, by the broadcasting company, the letter post or by the local newspapers. Even if the events could affect some ones for the time being negatively, one should not underestimate the control by the applied High Tech separate of properly value, so that the Internet is to be classified as a very important instrument to be able to hold up in the matter. Herewith it is done and it runs by my more than fifteen** forty** eighty Homepages. My main address is as follows:
My other Pages are also to be reached at the called address, which I am going to change or develop constantly.
Also travellers can put together Pages themselves, for example, on site concerning the contents, which of the matter and commission of our Lord are useful, while the contents can be bundled up and be passed on coherently fast and at a reasonable price to certain collective places. Nevertheless, the basic element in the matter and commission is already stated and is to be taken from my Homepages.
I do hope that you can take your time for these writings of the Pages what will take up some days and I do hope that many of you will estimate seriousness of the situation properly and not wrongly, even if one sometimes must laugh about the contents or expression of the writings what may be absolutely.
Thus I remain and wish you and your team a lot of fun while reading and looking through my Pages.
Yours sincerely
U. Sabisch
*29 April 2021