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Das Weltkulturerbe

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NEW Church-Newspaper

-------- Forwarded message --------

Subject: Matter

Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 13:15:47 +0200

From: Ursula Sabisch <ursula_@netsempress.net>

To: redaktion@neue-kirchenzeitung.de

The German-language document you may find here!

Luebeck, December 2016*

Free English translation on 31 August 2021.

Dear Dipl. Theol. A. H.,

Since you are the managing editor of the NEUE KIRCHENZEITUNG and my person belongs to your clientele, I would now like to share with you, among other things, some words and thoughts on your article "Failed?" from the last issue of the newspaper, because a government without reference to God only has a meaning before and during the prophetic revelation at the end of time*, however, a government without connection to God is most certainly useless and highly risky for every person who holds a different opinion in this regard.

As you, as a qualified theologian, should know, life on earth is only the ticket to Eternal Life, which will certainly last longer and certainly has a higher value than life on earth. You, too, are at the source of all knowledge, but you still cannot bring clarity and truth into such debates or make them clear, because there is simply something missing in you and in everyone else that could be paraphrased as courage to the truth through one's* better knowledge and courage of one's own conviction. Your attitude is almost typical of a Roman Catholic, because the suppression of truth is the order of the day and the right to the true faith has thus been called into question.

Islam, on the other hand, represents the state of God as a form of government in some countries of our earth, and this although Islam does not even embody truth and law, as you will also know!! !!

Any votes of the population as a parliamentary democratic state make exactly that out of a human being, which has nothing to do with the prospect of a desirable life and a desirable Eternal Life, but this kind of form of government (electoral law and electoral promises)*) ultimately causes dissatisfied and insatiable creatures, who can no longer get enough and thereby the actual goal of every human being is missed by far!

For this reason, the courage to tell the truth of a human being is a high good for all, whereby courage must not be confused with overconfidence. For this reason, too, my person would like to ask you to put one of my enclosed letters Invoice No. III on the front page of one of your next Newspapers and to enable my person to occupy my claimed villa on the Inner Alster and to be able to call it my own.

My legitimacy should have been confirmed long ago, but at this turning point in contemporary history, the courage to tell the truth is once again lacking, with the process of repression firmly entrenched in the minds of the population, and my time, to which I am bound, soon running out. In my opinion, the "attack" is still the best "defence", but from what and in what magnitudes we as the whole of humanity already have to defend ourselves, you can see to some extent suggestively (by now clearly defined)* from my homepages, whereby some documents are not necessarily intended for the public and are thus not to be found in my pages.

A villa in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Schöne Aussicht Nr. ? and my pocket money, which is bound to two conditions, I wish to receive immediately from the Deutsche Bank AG!

With kind regards

Ursula Sabisch